If you’re a real estate agent, what can you do to get more followers on Instagram?
Here’s a short little video from Easy Agent Pro with some tips to help you make the most of Instagram (and if you’re not there yet, you probably should):
Here are the tips:
Tip 1. Consistency and timing
“Develop a consistent theme on your page, deliver at a consistent time, and you’re going to start seeing some better results. …. If you look at our most recent posts (Easy Agent Pro on Instagram), we’ve got a consistent theme, we’re posting at the same time every single day, and we’re reaching the largest amount of our audience.”
Tip 2. #Hashtags
“On Instagram you can actually get away with anything from 9 to 11, and upwards towards 15 and even 20 hashtags, depending on your goal. So if you go and look at our Instagram right now, you’ll see that we’re using 20 total hashtags on each post. We like to copy and paste them, I put them in the text editor, I save them for later, and I just put them into every single post. That way I don’t have to type them out every single time.”
Here’s a sample of a post from Instagram so you can see what they mean in terms of 20 hashtags on their Easy Agent Pro channel:
Tip 3. Quality images
“Finally, and I can’t stress this enough, step up your picture game. We had to up the quality of our photos dramatically. If you look at the first 20 or so photos on our profile, we were just throwing things together really quick, and they just weren’t that engaging. So recently we really, really upped the quality of the photos we’re putting up there, and if you don’t have time to take your own photos then use a stock service … Pairing those two together with a tool like Canva or PicsArt, which is something you can use on your phone or on your desktop, is going to make a big difference as well.”
However, in terms of quality images that they only talk about stock images in reference to quirky quotes and memes and things that you can create for Instagram, and that’s all cool. But then you’ll let yourself down if the photos used in your real estate marketing campaigns are not also high quality, and that’s where you need a professional real estate photographer to create stunning images for every single listing you’ve got.
And interestingly, Tom Ferry suggests not using stock photography at all:
“Appealing real estate photography detailing your actual listings is the only way to get users to become followers and actually check out your real estate marketing.”
So it’s up to you with that, though I would have thought that using great images of your listings and unique photos of your local area would be the best way to go.
But does all of this work on Instagram? Does it help get leads and clients?
“We’re seeing 200 hits to our website from Instagram alone. … It’s very exciting to see where this thing goes.”
Looking for some inspiration from other real estate agent accounts on Instagram?
Here’s a list of 20 real estate agent accounts that do Instagram really, really well. They include:
Jellis Craig – Melbourne, Australia
The Agency – Beverly Hills, Los Angeles